19221 Malden Street (Zip Realty account required) in Northridge might look like blight to you and me. But the agent representing the property assures us this is, "The bank-owned foreclosure fixer everyone wants!". With such enthusiasm being displayed one can't help but delve further, please tell me more. "Kitchen & baths have already been removed for your convenience."- Well that is good, last thing I want when buying a house is pesky kitchens and baths getting in the way. "Big living room, good appeal, it's a deal! "- A DEAL, heck I feel stupid not buying it myself but I feel honor bound to pass this good deal on to my loyal readers. "Verify with proposed lenders that they will accept the house as-is w/o kitchen & baths."- He might want to worry more about proposed buyers accepting the house as-is without kitchen and baths, but maybe that is crazy talk.
This little dreamboat can be yours for a mere $470,000.
Lender loss tally:
Lender Paid : $508,117 (previously purchased for $100,000 in 1999? someone milked the ATM dry)
Current List Price : $470,000
Loss minus 5% sales cost: $61,617
in order for a blog to exist for anyone but the blogger, one needs:
a) the bloggers opinions, smartly stated
b) or some other regular contributor who might attract an audience
c) not just regurgitated #$%* from ZipRealty or RealtyTrac or wherever. We can do that on our own...
d) some investigative work on trends (check out CR or lansner)
You started off smartly, talking about the lab on the hill, and the #$%*up in Poormark, but you've gotten low on content lately. Why don't you solicit stuff that you can then highlight with your own commentary?
in ozzer verds, as hankkissy might say, show us that you're a mensch, not merely a schmuck.
I appreciate the critique, but the purpose of this blog is nothing more than a place I post various articles, listings, tidbits, and musings, most of it localized (SFV and East Ventura county). When I see something that makes my head shake or eyebrow raise, I post it. As I wander about in my daily life in these places, when I see something of interest as it relates to RE, I take a pic and post.
I do not intend to go much out of this "box", mensch or schmuck I leave it up to reader to decide whether they want to come back.
I think nostradamnus is way off base, I like the local aspect of this blog instead of the national oriented blogs (who cares about Virginia or Portland real estate). This is the only blog that posts items of interest in the San Fernando/Conejo Valleys out of the millions of blogs out there. Keep up the great work!
FLIPWATCH #001 !!!
check out....
6961 Lena, West Hills 91307
Ranch home w/pool, backing onto a sewer, 3+2/1570sft
Bought 6/06 for 571K
New kitchen, clean up the floors, add crown molding, clean the pool.
Back on the market today for 679.5K
But this flipper hasn't learned!
OTHER remods in the area have been selling for less than 600K, many down in the 580K range, and dropping. I should know...I just sold in the same area!
So lets keep an eye on him and see how he ends up!
FLIPWATCH #001 addendum
MLS# for orig sale: R2031386
MLS# for resale: R2070001
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