Sunday, January 14, 2007

Simi Valley "hot" housing market.

Perusing the website of Runkle Canyon in Simi Valley it sure sounds like a wonderful housing development soon to come to Simi Valley. With such a "glowing" review, it is hard to see how anyone could have a problem with such a development. Well it turns out that back in 1959 the Santa Susana Field Laboratory nuclear reactor had itself a meltdown. Now Simi Valley residents and others are claiming the ground is contaminated with strontium-90 (among other things) and any development would cause these contaminants to be released. The Department of Energy says everything is fine, but the California Department of Health Services said ""found that, despite testing irregularities, the land was still reading high for Sr-90". Recently some work has been going on up in the Canyon but Mayor Paul Miller insists it isn't for development but instead for taking more soil samples.

The entrance for the Runkle Canyon development is at the very south end of Sequoia Avenue, it currently has a guard sitting at its entrance 24/7. Here is a picture of the entrance from earlier today:

It will be interesting to see if/when this development goes forward if this information of this incident will be disclosed to potential home buyers. You can find the plans for Runkle Canyon here. KB Homes and Lennar will be the developers of this project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


someone at last picks up on the renews from late last year bout the lab on the hill...

its worth google-earthing the lab and looking at housing in the vicinity, both old and new. take a look at the drainages from the lab too. most of it through bell creek and into the valley...

oh about those valley housing pix...
if i had a mil to dump on a house, i'd buy for a third that much in leafy oregon and retire on the rest. why work like a dog, commute with the masses, inhale putrid air, acculturate to the valley, generally signing up for an extended immersion in mediocrity, for these beige boxes in hell?

thanks for the blogspace, mate...